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2025 Channel Panel Workshops

We are delighted to offer workshops presenting some of the most cutting information and techniques for spiritual growth, healing, and empowerment. This is an opportunity to work directly with our presenters during these specialized two hour workshops. Space is limited so please register early!


NOTE: The Workshops Are In Person Only. Not Streamed Online

Darryl Anka Headshot

Darryl Anka

The Unified Theory of Metaphysics
12:15-2:15PM, January 5, 2025

Darry teaches a practical guide to metaphysical experiences and how they’re all connected from his decades of working with Bashar. 

Rob Gauthier

Learn to Channel
2:30-4:30PM, January 3, 2025

This course brings together the powerful techniques that Rob Gauthier has utilized to become one of the premier trance channels in the world. While Rob has taught aspects of these techniques to thousands of individuals during previous channeling courses, Learn to Channel presents these techniques in a progression of exercises you can practice and build upon to open and perfect your own personal channel.

Rob Gauthier Headshot

Wendy Kennedy

Wendy Kennedy Headshot

Connecting to the Divine Within: Activating Your Multidimensional Light Body Matrix
2:30-4:30PM, January 4, 2025

In this channeled workshop, Wendy & The 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective will lead you on a journey to connect to the Divine within. 


Using Language of Light activations and Galactic Light Codes (the written form of the Language of Light), the guides will assist you in clearing past life, ancestral, and current life beliefs that no longer serve you. These activations will also support you in aligning with and activating your multidimensional light body matrix, aiding you in the process of manifestation and increasing your intuitive abilities.

Jamye Price

Quantum Communication
12:15-2:15PM, January 4, 2025

Your natural upgrade of Ascension offers more conscious creative communication with the subtle realm. Enhancing this communication changes you and changes the Earth experience.  

Jamye will utilize Crystalline Soul Healing and Light Language to release barriers to your infinite HeartMind coherence and activate greater receptivity.

This communication supports your adaptability so your creative state flows more easily. It enhances your creative Awareness and a knowing within of your divine, infinite nature. 

Life wants deeper communication with you and through you.


Jamye Price Headshot

Lyssa Royal Holt

Lyssa Royal Holt Headshot

The Quantum Contact Experience
6:30-8:30PM, January 4, 2025

Sasha (a Pleiadian) and Hamón (a Sirian) channeled through Lyssa will present a bigger-picture view of how they see the contact experience and why opening to contact is such an important part of a planet’s path of awakening. The connection between contact and consciousness will be explored deeply, as well as an introduction to different kinds of contact frequencies and how they may be experienced.
The workshop will conclude with a powerful contact experience that will guide the group to connect with a variety of contact frequencies so they can learn firsthand about the vast contact landscape and its connection to the evolution of consciousness.

Daniel Scranton

Channeling Class for All Levels
12:15-2:15PM, January 3, 2025

In this Channeling Class for All Levels, Daniel will teach you everything he has come to know about channeling, including many ways in which you can enhance the likelihood that you will connect and channel your spirit guides and other higher-dimensional beings of light and love. Daniel will teach you how to ensure you are in fact channeling higher-dimensional beings/collectives and not lower-vibrational entities or thought forms.


There will also be two channeling processes/exercises/meditations given during the class, which have been designed to get you to meet your guides, write for them, tone for them, and/or ultimately speak for them. 

Daniel Scranton Headshot

Shaun Swanson

Shaun Swanson Headshot

ETs in the Room and Galactic Heart Wisdom Activations
2:30-4:30PM, January 5, 2025

This workshop will have Q&A with Ishuwa. It includes a Contact Realization Meditation wherein actual contact with our ET soul family will take place on the non-physical planes. There will also be a Galactic Heart Wisdom Activation session with Ishuwa guiding everyone in the room. These activations activate and strengthen communication with your heart wisdom that always guides you to create the most enjoyable, fulfilling and rewarding life experiences. Together, the Contact Meditation and the Heart Wisdom Activations will connect you to more of your galactic soul family and increase your ability to travel in the heart wisdom universe so you can experience deepening levels of love, laughter and joy every day.

Kalina Angell


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